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last update:
8 Dec 2020
Amarinth ISO 5199 : 2000 N Series chemical process pumps are designed and manufactured for a number of applications including chemical processing, caustic transfer, condensate extraction and produced water duties. The pumps are typically found in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, though they can be easily modified for petrochemical applications such as fuel transfer. N Series pumps are designed for low NPSH applications and all have independently verified, full ATEX compliance.
The N Series chemical pumps are designed to be fully interchangeable with a Girdlestone 900 series pumps. They have a removable front suction cover for ease of maintenance plus a two piece lantern / bearing bracket arrangement which helps with interchangeability of parts on site. They are limited to 16 bar g (which is identical to the original Girdlestone pump).
If you are not concerned with every component being interchangeable, Amarinth’s C Series chemical process pump has identical termination points (i.e. suction & discharge flange positions) to the N Series & Girdlestone equivalent pump, but offers a higher pressure rating and other design enhancements.

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