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Reciprocating compressor
Most of the NEUMAN & ESSER reciprocating compressors are used as hydrogen compressors. Hydrogen compressors compact hydrogen mixed gas or hydrocarbon gas in accordance with the requirements of API 618. Moreover, the non-API 618 compressors augment the product portfolio. According to the proven NEA standards, the typical application gases for the compressors include CO2, biogas and oxygen. The non-API 618 compressors meet all the necessary requirements and are based on NEUMAN & ESSER’s longstanding wealth of experience. They are absolutely reliable, robust and low maintenance.
The employees’ know-how guarantees the customers a full range of compressors and compressor systems according to AP 618, which even meet the most ambitious targets: for all types of gas mixes, oil-free or lubricated reciprocating compressors for low and high speeds with water cylinders. The result at NEA is always a reliable piston compressor system, adapted to the customer’s needs, highest availability, low lifecycle costs and long durability.
Carbon dioxide or carbonic gas is one of the most important chemical bonds. It arises during metabolic activity of living beings and during combustion. CO2 has a wide technical range of use: for example, it is used to gain urea in the chemical industry and serves as a solvent and extracting agent. Carbon dioxide is used as carbonic acid for countless production processes worldwide.
The CO2 reliquefaction system is the most frequent use of the NEA compressors in this area. Here, the carbon dioxide arising during the brewing process is caught, collected and added to the beer again later. The oil-free NEA piston compressors supply 500 to 2,400 kg CO2 per hour with a final pressure of 16 – 21 bar. Here, oil-free compression is the highest law, in order to adhere to the food industry regulations.
Biomethane arises from the fermentation of biomass. Microorganisms transform the incorporated carbohydrates, proteins and fats to methane and carbon dioxide. Following treatment, they are fed into the natural gas grid. Here, compression of the biomethane is necessary. Depending on the gas supply grid, these are low to medium pressures up to some 20 bar. However, sometimes pressures of up to 70 bar and even more are applied. NEUMAN & ESSER enjoys a wealth of experience in the area of biogas and looks back to more than 50 installed systems throughout Europe. In order to meet the requirements of high availability, NEUMAN & ESSER offers its customers “all-round carefree packages” together with NEAC Compressor Service. The mobile biogas system MoBIO is a special innovation.

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