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last update:
20 November 2019
Reciprocating compressor
NEUMAN & ESSER has specifically brought a fast-running process gas compressor onto the market for the so-called upstream and midstream applications. These high-speed compressors are derived from the core product, the high-performance process gas compressor according to API 618.
Due to the rigidity of the cast crankcase and the resulting compact, linear design, the horizontal hs compressors can achieve speeds of up to 1,200 RPM. The crankcase is available with two, four or six cranks, dependent on the customer’s requirements. With this, the fast-running NEA compressors meet the strict and demanding requirements of the natural gas industry with flying colors. Overview of the further advantages:
Flexible compressor speeds
Natural gas, diesel or electrical drive
Water-cooled or with cylinders
Lubricated or dry-running design
Extremely robust crankcase constructions
Extended material selection for high-pressure applications
Low vibrations for offshore use

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