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Fan & blower
We offer a variety of blade designs to ensure maximum efficiency and/or low noise performance for your application:
The D-series has been developed and proven to be the best combination of performance, reliability and price for operation in air-cooled condensers and cooling towers. It's available in diameters between 26 ft and 38 ft, three blade profiles (DNF, DLF and DVF) and up to 11 blades.
The E-series is the choice for heavy duty situations in vertical or horizontal mounting configurations for a wide range of applications. It's available in diameters between 4 ft and 50ft, three blade profiles (ENF, ELF and ELFA) and up to 10 blades.
The SX series is the preferred solution for applications with stringent noise requirements and capable of reducing noise by up to 20 dB(A) compared with standard cooling fans. It's available in diameters between 4 ft and 50ft, two blade profiles (SX and SXT) and up to 8 blades.
The FPX series uses fixed-pitch blades, manufactured as a single impeller unit that offers very easy assembly and minimal maintenance, combined with ultra-low noise design. It's available in diameters between 28 inch and 108 inch.

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