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This page provides the energy cost, CO2 intensity and CO2 cost that can be used to evaluate your operating cost.
The following values are national grid information compiled by official bodies or non governmental organizations. They can be used if your electricity comes from the national grid.
In case your plant produces its own electricity, follow the following guidelines:
- Electricity cost: this is normally an information internal to your company based on your power plant efficiency and the cost of your primary energy supply
- CO2 intensity:
         -  Gas turbine (Simple cycle) or steam turbine: 720 gCO2/kWh (ie 25% overall efficiency)
         -  Combine cycle: 400 gCO2/kWh (ie 45% overall efficiency)
Electricity cost in c$/kWh (dec 2019)
Select a country on the map below. Values will show the electricity cost in c$/kWh. The map may take a few minutes to upload fully.
Electricity cost US (source /
Click on the state and look for the industrial value in the bar chart. Values are given in centUSD/kWh.
Electricity cost Europe (source Eurostat
Values in Eur/KWh
Select a country on the map below. Values will show the CO2 intensity in gCO2/kWh. The map may take a few minutes to upload fully.
3 - CO2 emission cost
The cost of emitted CO2 depends on the country.
The worldbank provide aggregated information on pricing. See the price tab. It is advised to double check the local regulation to confirm that the tax actually applies to your region and your industry.
Other factors to take into account is the efforts that your company is doing toward carbon emission reductions and the anticipated rise of CO2 cost in the next years.
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